Now in its 21st year, the Communiqué Awards took a more digital approach this year. On the success of the 20th year in 2017, there was a lot of sponsorship opportunities taken up; with the return of the popular Casino, the networking area, the photo booths and table selfie sticks. Our new features this year included the Racing cars, and the Pick n Mix tricycle!

The programme took on a redesign in light of the larger square size.

Upon entry into the room, guests were greeted with the new digital screens showcasing the sponsors of the evening, a lot of movement meant it was eye-catching to the audience and played the whole evening.

Each guest received their branded £80 cash to exchange for chips at the Casino. They could cash in and win with Red Letter Days.

We had a sponsor for the dinner this year, where I created the table numbers, and menus.

These were for the Casino area, and the numbers were on the seats.

The selfie sticks always go down a storm and this year was no exception - I branded them with the sponsor tag.

We used imagery for the Twitter campaigns early on in the launch to drive entries to specific categories. I also for the second year running created the 'winner' graphics to be tweeted live on the evening to encourage a social media share. In the past I noticed that a lot of people used Twitter to get updates from the awards live on their company, or towards a particular piece of work entered. These get attention and winners also tweet their own selfies, trophies, certificates and various event fun!