This awards evening brought together three competitions:
Marketer of the Year
Designed to assess and reward the competencies and potential of pharma marketers and teams, the PharmaTimes Marketer of the Year competition identifiesand benchmarks marketing talent within pharma organisations.
Communications Team of the Year
This is the only pharma industry awards that tests the competencies and potential of communications agency teams, benchmarking talent agency side.
Sales Awards
With rigorous entry and judging standards, the all-new Sales Awards is designed to recognise the very best sales professionals in our industry today.

I created some of the website graphics - each competition had it's own branding identity. See below for each advert that showcases them.

For the judging days - some of the competitions were together so we combined the branding for pop up banners, judges book covers, room signage and place cards.

When the event date got closer, we created a trio logo and on the night, throughout the evening the competitions own visual still separated them out - see below for the programme of the night (not all pages are shown here).