Quality in Care (QiC) Diabetes recognises, rewards and shares innovative practice demonstrating quality in diabetes management, education and services for people with diabetes and/or their families, throughout the UK.
Gaining QiC recognition means an initiative has been highlighted by the NHS, patients and industry as improving the quality of life for people living with diabetes.

I redesigned the pages for the programme this year, as we changed to a new size to reflect the rest of our products that we do.

For the presentation on the night this year, I made the results pages more reflective of the award, changing the whole colour scheme of the slide for commended, highly commended, and winner.

The finalists are usually quite active on Twitter so we do push this social media channel the most - some open for entry visuals as well as winner graphics that I introduced last year and they were a great success.

Some award evening social media activity from our finalists and winners!

Winners can extend their celebrations with a winners pack, full of information of how to scare their success and promote themselves and the awards. This was first introduced in 2017. We provided flyers for them to distribute as well as copies of their certificates and a summary sheet of their project.