Quality in Care (QiC) Diabetes recognises, rewards and shares innovative practice demonstrating quality in diabetes management, education and services for people with diabetes and/or their families, throughout the UK.
Gaining QiC recognition means an initiative has been highlighted by the NHS, patients and industry as improving the quality of life for people living with diabetes.
In 2019 we moved to the new venue - Sanofi's new UK headquarters in Reading. This allowed for a slightly different set up this year, with a larger space for the pre-awards event, awards ceremory and post-awards networking.

New for this year, we created an entry kit to showcase the awards categories - this was available in both print and digital format.

Building on previous year's social media, we continued to raise the profile and encourage entries across social media, with some targeted campaigns driving specific category awareness.

We run a print advert in PharmaTimes January 2019 edition, which was available in print and digital format.

New for 2019, we introduced 'shortlisted' graphics to go out with the finalist emails, they were made category specific so that they were more usable and personal. They created some engagement across social media and we will continue to think of ways to expand the social media presence of Quality in Care.

The larger space allowed for more materials, so we showcased case studies from previous entrants.

I created the presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint and did the presentation click-through on the night.

We continued to live tweet on the evening, and having the successful winner graphics increased engagement. A lot of our attendees use Twitter as a platform to showcase their wins and network with one another.

The winners receive a 'winners pack' that contains some useful leaflets and PDFs to share with colleagues and ways to share their success after the evening.

We showcase all the work of the finalists, commended, highly commended and winners in a case study PDF available to download. These are also available on the website for people to view. In the next year's campaign, we direct people wishing to enter to look at the case studies to learn from. I updated the design to a more cleaner easier to view layout.